Dr Jimmy Henderson

Trauma Counsellor and Amazon best-selling author

Jimmy’s Books

"This book is a guide to counseling of all levels from beginners to those with a degree. " Jimmy ray
Discovering Yourself
"This book is a guide to counseling of all levels from beginners to those with a degree. " Jimmy ray
"The book is easy to read and it's full of examples in the form of small dialogues, which is a good example and easily digested."  Julius Z
Discovering Yourself
"The book is easy to read and it's full of examples in the form of small dialogues, which is a good example and easily digested."  Julius Z
"If you are a practicing psychologist, psychotherapist, or community leader, you need a book like this to raise up the quality of your practice a notch. I think it’s full of information and advice that are logical and pragmatic." Jerry Olasakinju
Discovering Yourself
"If you are a practicing psychologist, psychotherapist, or community leader, you need a book like this to raise up the quality of your practice a notch. I think it’s full of information and advice that are logical and pragmatic." Jerry Olasakinju
"It does do a great job on teaching about the basics of communication and listening, which I particularly found helpful as my job involves a lot of both of these skills."  Celeste L
Discovering Yourself
"It does do a great job on teaching about the basics of communication and listening, which I particularly found helpful as my job involves a lot of both of these skills."  Celeste L
"The author has combined knowledge of human relationships with research to create this simple to read book."  Archie
Discovering Yourself
"The author has combined knowledge of human relationships with research to create this simple to read book."  Archie
"Are you looking for a way to help counsel others who are in need? Are you unsure as to where to start? If so, you’ll want to check out this book. Author Jimmy Henderson, who has extensive knowledge in this area, writes how you can guide and help those who are currently or have gone through a traumatic event in their life." Rachel K
Discovering Yourself
"Are you looking for a way to help counsel others who are in need? Are you unsure as to where to start? If so, you’ll want to check out this book. Author Jimmy Henderson, who has extensive knowledge in this area, writes how you can guide and help those who are currently or have gone through a traumatic event in their life." Rachel K
"A very useful guide for all medical professionals, teachers, parents and anybody who wants to improve their communication and active listening skills." Faith Lee
Discovering Yourself
"A very useful guide for all medical professionals, teachers, parents and anybody who wants to improve their communication and active listening skills." Faith Lee
"This book was a big help. An easy read, easy to understand." Rose
Discovering Yourself
"This book was a big help. An easy read, easy to understand." Rose
"I found the book to be clear, easy to read, and full of helpful information to think about. I would definitely recommend reading this book." Emerson Rose Craig
Discovering Yourself
"I found the book to be clear, easy to read, and full of helpful information to think about. I would definitely recommend reading this book." Emerson Rose Craig
"I feel like it was a good addition to my bookshelf and helped me learn new ways to actively help those in need." Shanell
Discovering Yourself
"I feel like it was a good addition to my bookshelf and helped me learn new ways to actively help those in need." Shanell
Discovering Yourself

Critical Thinking: A necessary super-power in today's world

Critical Thinking can be considered a superpower in this modern world, as it is not widely used and certainly not welcomed by those who create a cloud or veil of deception to exploit and manipulate. Often, perceptions are introduced as facts, speculations as evidence and opinions as truth, and information is manipulated in order to influence our thinking, emotions and actions. This can be seen in politics, government, business, marketing, mainstream as well as social media.

Are you ready to embark on this journey to Critical Thinking which will empower you to live your life with confidence, greater authenticity and success?


Journey to the Soul

What would it be like to become soul-conscious and soar and break through your present boundaries?

Using powerful metaphysical techniques such as mindfulness, meditation and visualisation, cognitive scientist, author and spiritual teacher, Dr Jimmy Henderson takes you on an inner journey to break free from the limits of everyday thinking and discover the depths of your own mind. Reconnect to your authentic selves and beyond that, your very essence or innermost being, your soul.

With an extensive background in both science and psychology, the author uses simple language and real-life examples and experiences to guide you every step of the way along your own personal journey to soul.


A Comprehensive Guide to Crisis Counselling (2nd Edition)

Want to become an emotionally intelligent counsellor or caregiver? This book was written just for you. The 1st edition of A Comprehensive Guide to Crisis Counselling proved an international success. Benefit now from the updated 2nd edition featuring even more valuable information and insight shared from the author, Dr. Jimmy Henderson.

Using the same proven, structured, 7-stage, outcomes-based counselling process as the 1st edition, it now also includes additional information on developing the emotional intelligence necessary to be an effective counsellor as well as a focus on more on specific areas of counselling.


Understanding Metaphysics

Understanding and unlocking the power of metaphysics is no longer a secret or only meant for the guru, the serious disciple or the lifelong philosopher. New discoveries in science are moving the boundaries of what is possible and this is going to undoubtedly change the course of humanity’s evolution. However, you may be wondering exactly what this means to you and how you can benefit from this new knowledge?

Bestselling author Dr Jimmy Henderson, a cognitive scientist with a background in science and technology, has devoted years to the study of psychology, especially the deeper realms of the subconscious mind. Using his unique approach of multi-dimensional thinking, he introduces you to new ideas on self, creation, reality, time and space, life after death and the idea of a universal mind or consciousness behind it all.


Dealing With Trauma: An Introductory Guide to Sharpen Your Practical Counselling Skills

This practical guide was written to help those without formal training – benefit from the more than 30 years of experience of the author and seasoned trauma counsellor – Dr Jimmy Henderson. In this guide Jimmy looks to specifically prepare lay-counsellors, nurses, teachers, parents and other caregivers with the necessary tools to manage difficult situations when dealing with a victim of a traumatic event.


Effective Listening Skills for Counsellors and Care Givers

This book offers a brief background into human psychological and emotional needs. It also includes guidelines on important non-verbal communication skills, focusing specifically on simple listening skills, such as feedback and reflection, which can be adopted by any person, without necessarily being trained as a counsellor.


A Guide To Effective Parenting

This guidebook provides important information on effective parenting, beginning with a short description of childhood development and needs, later moving onto different approaches to parenting, how to identify and deal with risk behavior in children, the underlying causes of behavior problems in children and teenagers, and finally, a number of ideas for improving parent-child relationships. 


Improving Your Relationships

This guidebook provides important information on possible reasons for the breakdown of relationships, introduces new approaches to understanding one’s partner and dealing with conflict and finally, supplies a number of realistic ideas for improving long-term relationships. 


How to Interpret Dreams

This guidebook provides important information on the origin, structure and purpose of dreams, different categories of dreams, the process of dream-interpretation and how to work within one’s own dreams as a method of self-empowerment. 

The information is based on current research as well as many years of personal dream-work and counselling experience. The guide also provides a number of hypothetical case studies and interpretations so that the reader can view the techniques of interpretation in action within proper dream contexts.


The Power of Symbols, Ritual and Mystical Gestures

Freemasons, Rosicrucians, members of other brotherhoods as well as any person who is interested in metaphysics and sacred wisdom will enjoy this publication, which explores the role of the mind in bringing about powerful inner experiences and development resulting from symbols, ritual and sacred gestures. The book is especially written to help improve the understanding and insights of members of societies and brotherhoods who make extensive use of symbols and ritual. It explains the important involvement of the subconscious mind in bringing about inner revelation.


In Search of the Oracle: A Book of Spiritual Philosophy

The book deals with topical subject matter in a society where we are constantly encouraged to find ourselves and to live our purpose.  In Search of the Oracle can help you find the answers to the burning questions you might be asking if you’re lost, or if you’re searching for your truth.  

Written in a metaphoric, narrative style, In Search of the Oracle can be compared to ‘The Pilgrims Progress’, in which a student embarks on a journey of self-discovery up a mountain to find his inner self,  which assumes the role of an old man, an oracle of great knowledge. 


Living on the Edge of Darkness

Living on the Edge of Darkness provides a glance into the mind of someone who has suffered from depression. It also highlights the journey of self-discovery of the author, in which he wrestled with many questions such as ‘Who am I really?’‘What is actually going on in the world?’‘What is real?, and ‘What is the true meaning of suffering, life and death?’


Multi-Dimensional Thinking: Mind training to get the best out of life

This book gives the reader a completely new view of the possibilities in life, changing from the mundane to the Conscious and introduces the possibility of achieving dreams and ambitions never before thought to be possible.


Multi-Dimensional Perception: Journeys into Different Dimensions of Reality

If you are a serious seeker you will love this book because it will take you to a higher state of consciousness than you ever experienced before. It will take your mind to new levels of human functioning, connecting to higher levels of Self and Spirit. It offers some advanced processes and also contains extensive guidelines on working with energy and the development of advanced psychic skills, including entry into the deeper dimensions of mind.



I am registered with the South African Board for People-Practice as a chartered professional in learning and development (CHRP 5049). This means that having a PhD in Psychology as well as SETA qualifications in learning facilitation (US 117871) and outcomes–based assessments (US 115753), I offer a properly structured, scientifically-based approach to learning and development. What sets my approach apart from that of other motivational coaches or speakers, is that I tailor my approach to each person and also work on a subconscious level to change self-limiting programs and beliefs.



Developing mindfulness usually means coaching clients to reach a new understanding of themselves, their circumstances and their options in life, as well as training them in new skills designed to improve mental focus, thinking and creativity.

Personal Development

Development can take place in many areas of a person’s life, including one’s level of mindfulness, self-insight, emotional wellness, critical thinking and moral or spiritual ethics and values.


Emotional Intelligence

E.I. is becoming very important in a world in which success in business, as well as your personal life, depends on your ability to show understanding, to express empathy for others and to have good relationships.

Critical Thinking

I teach clients to approach the world with a healthy scepticism and think independently and critically, to recognise inconsistencies and common mistakes in reasoning, to cut through the ‘hype’, to uncover hidden agendas and to approach problems logically and systematically.

Spiritual Development

For those who are seeking an understanding of spiritual and ethical principles, I offer mentoring in intuitive and spiritual development.

Trauma Counselling

I am also able to offer trauma counselling training to lay-counsellors, trauma centre volunteers, employee assistance programme workers, and those who work with death and the dying on a everyday basis, such as paramedics and hospice workers.

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More About Jimmy

Jimmy has an Honours degree in Philosophy (metaphysics), a post-graduate certificate in Trauma Counselling and a Ph.D in Psychology from the University of South Africa.

Jimmy has studied mind and spirit for over thirty years as a member of the Rosicrucian Order (AMORC) and is the published author of a number of books, e-books and many articles on the power of the mind, counselling and relationships. He and has spoken many times on local SA radio stations as a guest speaker on his books, as well as emotional/psychological issues, parenting and relationships. In his books and articles he combines psychological research with metaphysics and spirituality and it is this grounding that makes them unique.

He is regarded as a specialist in human thinking and behaviour,having previously being an HR director and a service delivery programme-manager until his retirement. He has since worked part-time as a trauma counsellor for a large South African bank and also lectured at a local management school. He is presently also a distance (e-tutor) for the University of South Africa in psychology and has also been a volunteer Lifeline counsellor and trainer for many years.

He believes that his purpose at this time is to help persons who are sincere in their striving for self-improvement and development to find their way along their particular path. In this way he also sees himself also as a teacher, having the ability to explain truth in a simple and practical way. He is available to give talks to groups in South Africa.

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